Confartigianato imprese Lecce | Tessitura 3 Campane

Confartigianato imprese Lecce | Tessitura 3 Campane

When you touch a fabric it is as if you should love it” So begins our story. A love story born in 1950 from a combination of passion and care, two indispensable elements for the birth and continuation of any self-respecting loving relationship. But also trust and care for one’s work, characteristic traits inherited from the setting that frames this romance novel: the Salento region. It was in Alessano, in fact, a small village on the far side of Puglia, that a very young Michele Liso, founder and father of the current owners of the firm, created the textile company Tre Campane in 1980.

Time went by, and his father’s mastery began to translate into valuable lessons that would be passed down to his children, as evidenced by the more than 1,500 original designs they jealously guard. The company grows, also feeding on the colorful and never gloomy hues of new production processes, relying on modern technologies without ever neglecting the traditional manual skills that are indispensable for processing natural fibers such as cotton, perlé, linen and cashmere.

Within the walls of the production facility, guardian of the ancient secrets of weaving, handed down largely by the local elderly women, among old looms and counters covered with various vibrant fabrics, the manufacturing process is strictly handcrafted. Admire, for example, Macramè knot lace, which arrived in Salento with the Arab and Turkish invasions, expertly reworked by Salento women, to understand what we are talking about.

Is it therefore possible to make tradition and modernity a single concept? Certainly. We succeed by also relying on biodegradable materials obtained from renewable sources, such as linen and coconut coining a new notion of modern design.

The company for three years (1981, 1988,1995) received the “Best Quality of Fabric” award in the edition staged in Bari. We also boast several participations as one of the best companies in the Milan and Florence Fairs.

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